Guide for new user:

What is is a marketplace on the internet that works at online basis to bring buyers and sellers together. This web makes us easier to meet local suppliers and international customers, so that business transactions that benefit all parties can be realized immediately.

Anyone can register at just register on this website, then our work can be more helpful, as long as we diligently check our inbox at So please explore this website regularly to find information buyers and sellers, so that your business can be more advanced with the support of our website.

This website can help those of you who want to become exporters, and also help expand domestic trade. If there are a lot of goods that can be exported in our area, let's display the product on the website: with the hope that it will be read all over the world and can invite foreign and domestic buyers. The more diligent we open the website, the more relationships and communication we make with foreign and domestic parties who are expected to create a deal in business.

How to use the website: There are four steps to using the website : 1. Register / sign up 2. Sign in 3. Product display for sellers / for buyers 4. Inbox: Check your inbox regularly.

1. Register / Sign up

Registering or sign up is the initial part of the process to become a member of this website. We need to fill out and answer all questions available to register as completely as possible. By answering the question in full, it will increase our foreign trust. because the overall goal of becoming a member of this web is to make business transactions happen.

2. Sign In

Signing in is a step to enter this website, and can offer goods or buy goods. To enter this website there are 2 things that must be filled: email and password. Please password must always be remembered and not circulated to other people because this business is our own business and we have to develop it ourselves.

3. Products Display For SELLER OR For BUYER

This section is to offer and buy goods by displaying our goods OR merchandise. we have to offer a lot of goods on this web so that more foreign buyers are interested in buying goods from our company. So we have to look for a lot of merchandise around us to be offered.

4. Inbox

Inbox is the part that we have to check every day to find out which correspondents come in from outside country or within the country. we must be diligent about opening the inbox and answering every incoming message. the key to success using an inbox is not to delay answering the question of incoming email. We must be creative in answering email so foreign buyers are interested in buying from us.

LET’S USE THIS WEBSITE DILIGENTLY Finally, if we want to become international traders or export trading, there are many ways that we can enter, one of the cheap ways is by registering on our website with the hope that we can meet domestic and foreign buyers. Thank you and congratulations on joining and we hope that our business will be more advanced with the help of our website.